Resolução da Assembleia da República n.º 17/2019

Data de publicação06 Fevereiro 2019
SeçãoSerie I
ÓrgãoAssembleia da República

Resolução da Assembleia da República n.º 17/2019

Aprova o Quarto Protocolo Adicional à Convenção Europeia de Extradição, aberto a assinatura em Viena, em 20 de setembro de 2012

A Assembleia da República resolve, nos termos da alínea i) do artigo 161.º e do n.º 5 do artigo 166.º da Constituição, o seguinte:

Artigo 1.º


Aprovar o Quarto Protocolo Adicional à Convenção Europeia de Extradição, aberto a assinatura em Viena, em 20 de setembro de 2012, cujo texto, na versão autenticada na língua inglesa, bem como a respetiva tradução para língua portuguesa, se publica em anexo.

Artigo 2.º


1 - Ao aprovar o presente Protocolo, que altera a Convenção Europeia de Extradição, a República Portuguesa formula as seguintes reservas:

a) Nos termos do n.º 3 do artigo 10.º da Convenção, na redação dada pelo artigo 1.º do presente Protocolo, a República Portuguesa declara que se reserva o direito de não aplicar a disposição prevista no n.º 2 do artigo 10.º da Convenção, se:

i) O pedido de extradição tiver por base infrações que sejam da competência do Estado Português, nos termos do seu Direito Penal; e/ou

ii) Nos termos da legislação portuguesa, a extradição for proibida devido à extinção, por prescrição, do procedimento criminal ou da pena;

b) Nos termos do n.º 5 do artigo 21.º da Convenção, na redação dada pelo artigo 5.º do Protocolo, a República Portuguesa declara que se reserva o direito de só autorizar o trânsito em território nacional de pessoa que se encontre nas condições em que a sua extradição possa ser concedida;

c) Nos termos do n.º 3 do artigo 6.º do Protocolo, a República Portuguesa declara que se reserva o direito de exigir, para efeitos de extradição, o envio do original ou de cópia autenticada do pedido e dos documentos de apoio.

2 - A República Portuguesa declara que mantém as reservas formuladas aquando da ratificação da Convenção Europeia de Extradição pela República Portuguesa, em 1989.

Artigo 3.º


Ao aprovar o presente Protocolo, que altera a Convenção Europeia de Extradição, a República Portuguesa formula a seguinte declaração:

Nos termos do n.º 3 do artigo 14.º da Convenção, na redação dada pelo artigo 3.º do presente Protocolo, a República Portuguesa declara que, por derrogação do n.º 1 do artigo 14.º da Convenção, uma Parte requerente que tenha feito igual declaração pode, se tiver sido apresentado um pedido de consentimento, nos termos da alínea a) do n.º 1 do artigo 14.º da Convenção, restringir a liberdade da pessoa extraditada, desde que:

a) A Parte requerente notifique, em simultâneo com o pedido de consentimento nos termos da alínea a) do n.º 1 do artigo 14.º da Convenção ou em momento posterior, a data em que tenciona aplicar tal restrição; e

b) A autoridade competente da Parte requerida acuse explicitamente a receção dessa notificação.

Artigo 4.º

Autoridade competente

Para efeitos do n.º 1 do artigo 12.º da Convenção Europeia de Extradição, na redação dada pelo artigo 2.º do Protocolo, a República Portuguesa designa como autoridade competente para a receção e o envio de pedidos de extradição a Procuradoria-Geral da República.

Aprovada em 7 de dezembro de 2018.

O Presidente da Assembleia da República, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues.


The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory to this Protocol:

Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members;

Desirous of strengthening their individual and collective ability to respond to crime;

Having regard to the provisions of the European Convention on Extradition (ETS No. 24) opened for signature in Paris on 13 December 1957 (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention"), as well as the three Additional Protocols thereto (ETS Nos. 86 and 98, CETS No. 209), done at Strasbourg on 15 October 1975, on 17 March 1978 and on 10 November 2010, respectively;

Considering it desirable to modernise a number of provisions of the Convention and supplement it in certain respects, taking into account the evolution of international co-operation in criminal matters since the entry into force of the Convention and the Additional Protocols thereto;

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

Lapse of time

Article 10 of the Convention shall be replaced by the following provisions:

"Lapse of time

1 - Extradition shall not be granted when the prosecution or punishment of the person claimed has become statute-barred according to the law of the requesting Party.

2 - Extradition shall not be refused on the ground that the prosecution or punishment of the person claimed would be statute-barred according to the law of the requested Party.

3 - Any State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that it reserves the right not to apply paragraph 2:

a) When the request for extradition is based on offences for which that State has jurisdiction under its own criminal law; and/or

b) If its domestic legislation explicitly prohibits extradition when the prosecution or punishment of the person claimed would be statute-barred according to its.

4 - When determining whether prosecution or punishment of the person sought would be statute-barred according to its law, any Party having made a reservation pursuant to paragraph 3 of this article shall take into consideration, in accordance with its law, any acts or events that have occurred in the requesting Party, in so far as acts or events of the same nature have the effect of interrupting or suspending time-limitation in the requested Party."

Article 2

The request and supporting documents

1 - Article 12 of the Convention shall be replaced by the following provisions:

"The request and supporting documents

1 - The request shall be in writing. It shall be submitted by the Ministry of Justice or other competent authority of the requesting Party to the Ministry of Justice or other competent authority of the requested Party. A State wishing to designate another competent authority than the Ministry of Justice shall notify the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of its competent authority at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, as well as of any subsequent changes relating to its competent authority.

2 - The request shall be supported by:

a) A copy of the conviction and sentence or detention order immediately enforceable or of the warrant of arrest or other order having the same effect and issued in accordance with the procedure laid down in the law of the requesting Party;

b) A statement of the offences for which extradition is requested. The time and place of their commission, their legal descriptions and a reference to the relevant legal provisions, including provisions relating to lapse of time, shall be set out as accurately as possible; and

c) A copy of the relevant enactments or, where this is not possible, a statement of the relevant law and as accurate a description as possible of the person claimed, together with any other information which will help to establish his or her identity, nationality and location."

2 - Article 5 of the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention shall not apply as between Parties to the present Protocol.

Article 3

Rule of speciality

Article 14 of the Convention shall be replaced by the following provisions:

"Rule of speciality

1 - A person who has been extradited shall not be arrested, prosecuted, tried, sentenced or detained with a view to the carrying out of a sentence or detention order, nor shall he or she be for any other reason restricted in his or her personal freedom for any offence committed prior to his or her surrender other than that for which he or she was extradited, except in the following cases:

a) When the Party which surrendered him or her consents. A request for consent shall be submitted, accompanied by the documents mentioned in article 12 and a legal record of any statement made by the extradited person in respect of the offence concerned. Consent shall be given when the offence for which it is requested is itself subject to extradition in accordance with the provisions of this Convention. The decision shall be taken as soon as possible and no later than 90 days after receipt of the request for consent. Where it is not possible for the requested Party to comply with the period provided for in this paragraph, it shall inform the requesting Party, providing the reasons for the delay and the estimated time needed for the decision to be taken;

b) When that person, having had an opportunity to leave the territory of the Party to which he or she has been surrendered, has not done so within 30 days of his or her final discharge, or has returned to that territory after leaving it.

2 - The requesting Party may, however:

a) Carry out pre-trial investigations, except for measures restricting the personal freedom of the person concerned;

b) Take any measures necessary under its law, including proceedings by default, to prevent any legal effects of lapse of time;

c) Take any measures necessary to remove the person from its territory.

3 - Any State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession or at any later time, declare that, by derogation from paragraph 1, a requesting Party which has made the same declaration may, when a request for consent is submitted pursuant to paragraph 1.a, restrict the personal freedom of the extradited person, provided that:

a) The requesting Party notifies, either at the same time as the request for consent pursuant to paragraph 1.a, or later, the date on which it intends to apply such restriction; and

b) The competent authority of the requested Party explicitly acknowledges receipt of this notification.

The requested Party may express its opposition to that restriction at any time, which shall entail the obligation for the requesting Party to end the restriction immediately...

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