Aviso n.º 9/2008, de 22 de Janeiro de 2008

Aviso n. 9/2008

Por ordem superior se torna público ter a Finlândia efectuado, junto do Secretário -Geral da Organizaçáo das Naçóes Unidas, em 16 de Janeiro de 2001, uma objecçáo à reserva formulada pelo Qatar no momento da adesáo à Convençáo contra a Tortura e Outras Penas ou Tratamentos Cruéis, Desumanos ou Degradantes, adoptada pela Assembleia Geral das Naçóes Unidas em 17 de Dezembro de 1984.

The Government of Finland has examined the contents of the reservation made by the Government of Qatar regarding any interpretation incompatible with the precepts of Islamic law and reference to national law without specifying its contents does not clearly define for the other Parties to the Convention the extent to which the reserving State commits itself to the Convention and may therefore raise doubts as to the commitment of the reserving state to fulfil its obligations under the Convention. Such a reservation, in the view of the Government of Finland, is subject to the general principle of treaty interpretation according to which a party may not invoke the provisions of its domestic law as justification for a failure to perform its treaty obligations.

The Government of Finland also notes that the reservation of Qatar, being of such a general nature, raises doubts as to the full commitment of Qatar to the object and purpose of the Convention and would like to recall that, according to the Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties, a reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention shall not be permitted.

For the above -mentioned reasons the Government of Finland objects to the reservation made by the Government of Qatar. This objection does not preclude the entry into force of the Convention between Qatar and Finland. The Convention will thus become operative between the two States without Qatar benefiting from this reservation.


O Governo da Finlândia examinou o teor da reserva formulada pelo Governo do Qatar em relaçáo a qualquer interpretaçáo da Convençáo que seja incompatível com os preceitos do Direito Islâmico e da Religiáo Islâmica.

O Governo da Finlândia sublinha que uma reserva, que consiste em uma referência genérica ao direito nacional sem especificar o respectivo conteúdo, náo indica com...

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