Aviso n.º 2/2006, de 04 de Janeiro de 2006

Aviso n.º 2/2006 Por ordem superior se torna público que a República da Albânia depositou junto do Secretário Geral do Conselho da Europa, em 14 de Novembro de 2002, o seu instrumento de ratificação à Carta Social Europeia (revista), aberta para assinatura, em Estrasburgo, em 3 de Maio de 1996, com a seguinte declaração: 'The Republic of Albania in accordance with part III, article A, of the Charter, considers itself bound by the following articles of the Charter: Article 1 - The right to work; Article 2 - The right to just conditions of work; Article 3 - The right to safe and healthy working conditions; Article 4 - The right to a fair remuneration; Article 5 - The right to organize; Article 6 - The right to bargain collectively; Article 7 - The right of children and young persons to protection; Article 8 - The right of employed women to protection of maternity; Article 11 - The right to protection of health; Article 19 - The right of migrants workers and their families to protection and assistance; Article 20 - The right to equal opportunities and equal treatment in matters of employment and occupation without discrimination on the grounds of sex; Article 21 - The right to information and consultation; Article 22 - The right to take part in the determination and improvement of the working conditions and working environment; Article 24 - The right to protection in cases of termination of employment; Article 25 - The right of workers to the protection of their clazims in the event of insolvency of their employer; Article 26 - The right to dignity at work; Article 28 - The right of worker's representatives to protection in the undertaking and facilities to be accorded to them; Article 29 - The right to information and consultation in collective redundancy procedures.' Tradução Em conformidade com o artigo A, parte III, da Carta, a República da Albânia considera-se vinculada pelos seguintes artigos da Carta: Artigo 1.º - Direito ao trabalho; Artigo 2.º - Direito a condições de trabalho justas; Artigo 3.º - Direito à...

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