Aviso n.º 171/2008, de 13 de Agosto de 2008

Aviso n. 171/2008

Por ordem superior se torna público ter o Governo do Liechtenstein efectuado, junto do Secretário -Geral das Naçóes Unidas, em 10 de Dezembro de 2003, a retirada parcial de reserva respeitante ao artigo 10. da Convençáo sobre os Direitos da Criança.


The Secretary General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary, communicates the following:

The above action was effected on 10 December 2003. The Principality of Liechtenstein partially withdraws its reservation concerning article 10 of the Convention as contained in the annex of the instrument of accession of

18 December 1995, namely with regard to paragraph 2 of the article guaranteeing the right of the child to maintain personal relations and direct contacts with both parents.

The withdrawal of reservation took effect on 10 December 2003 in accordance with article 51 (3) of the Convention which reads as follows:

'Reservations may be withdrawn at any time by notification to that effect addressed to the Secretary -General of the United Nations, who shall then inform all States. Such notification shall take effect on the date on which it is received by the Secretary General.'

29 December 2003.


O Secretário -Geral da Organizaçáo das Naçóes Unidas, agindo na sua qualidade de depositário, comunica o seguinte:

A acçáo acima referida foi efectuada em 10 de Dezembro de 2003.

O Principado do Liechtenstein retira parcialmente a reserva formulada relativamente ao artigo 10. da Convençáo, incluída no anexo do instrumento de adesáo de 18 de Dezembro de 1995, concretamente relacionada com o n. 2 deste artigo, o...

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