Aviso n.º 324/2007, de 23 de Abril de 2007

Aviso n.o 324/2007

Por ordem superior se torna público ter o Principado de Andorra depositado junto do Secretário-Geral do Conselho da Europa, em 12 de Novembro de 2004, o seu instrumento de ratificaçáo à Carta Social Europeia

Revista, aberta à assinatura em Estrasburgo em 3 de Maio de 1996, tendo formulado uma declaraçáo:

In accordance with part III, article A, of the Charter, the Principality of Andorra declares to be bound by the following articles and paragraphs of part II of the Charter:

Article 1, 'The right to work' (paragraphs 1-4); Article 2, 'The right to just conditions of work' (para-graphs 1-7);

Article 3, 'The right to safe and healthy working conditions' (paragraphs 1-4);

Article 4, 'The right to a fair remuneration' (para-graphs 1-5);

Article 5, 'The right to organize';

Article 7, 'The right of children and young persons to protection' (paragraphs 1-10);

Article 8, 'The right of employed women to protection of maternity' (paragraphs 1-5);

Article 9, 'The right to vocacional guidance'; Article 10, 'The right to vocacional training' (para-graphs 1-5);

Article 11, 'The right to protection of health' (para-graphs 1-3);

Article 12, 'The right to social security' (paragraphs 1-4);

Article 13, 'The right to social and medical assistance' (paragraphs 1-4);

Article 14, 'The right to benefit from social welfare services' (paragraphs 1-2);

Article 15, 'The right of persons with disabilities to independence, social integration and participation in the life of the community' (paragraphs 1-3);

Article 17, 'The right of children and young persons to social, legal and economic protection' (paragraphs 1-2);

Article 18, 'The right to engage in a gainful occupation in the territory of other Parties' (paragraph


Article 19, 'The right of migrant workers and their families to protection and assistance' (paragraphs 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12);

Article 20, 'The right to equal opportunities and equal treatment in matters of employment and occupation without discrimination on the grounds of sex';

Article 23, 'The right of elderly persons to social protection';

Article 26, 'The right to dignity at work' (paragraphs 1-2);

Article 30, 'The right to protection against poverty and social exclusion';

Article 31, 'The right to housing' (paragraphs 1-2)


Traduçáo da declaraçáo

Em conformidade com o artigo A do parte III da Carta, o Principado de Andorra declara que se considera vinculado pelos seguintes artigos e números da parte

II da Carta:

Artigo 1.o...

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