Aviso n.º 59/2007, de 06 de Março de 2007

Aviso n.o 59/2007

Por ordem superior se torna público terem os Países Baixos formulado, junto do Secretário-Geral do Conselho da Europa, em 31 de Agosto de 2005, uma declaraçáo à Convençáo Europeia de Extradiçáo, concluída em Paris em 13 de Dezembro de 1957:

On 13 June 2002, the Council of the European Union adopted a Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and surrender procedures between Member States (no. 2002/584/JHA) ('the Framework Decision'). Article 31 of the Framework Decision provides that from 1 January 2004 the Framework Decision will replace the corresponding provisions of the relevant extradition conventions applicable in the field of extradition in relations between the Member States.

The Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands therefore has the honour to inform the Secretary General of the Council of Europe that pursuant to article 28, paragraph 3, of the Convention on Extradition, the Convention shall no longer be applied in relations between the European part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Member States of the European Union that are a Party to the Convention.

The Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands would emphasise that the above does not alter the application of the Convention in relations between:

The Netherlands Antilles and Aruba and the Parties to the Convention; or

The European part of the Kingdom and the Parties to the Convention that are not Member States of the European Union.


Em 13 de Junho de 2002, o Conselho da Uniáo Europeia adoptou uma decisáo quadro relativa ao mandado de detençáo europeu e aos processos de entrega entre os Estados membros (2002/584/JAI) («a Decisáo Quadro»). O artigo 31.o da Decisáo Quadro determina que, a partir de 1 de Janeiro de 2004, a Decisáo Quadro substitui as disposiçóes correspondentes das convençóes de extradiçáo relevantes aplicáveis em matéria de extra-diçáo nas relaçóes...

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