Aviso n.º 138/97, de 18 de Abril de 1997

Aviso n.º 138/97 Por ordem superior se torna público que o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas adoptou, no dia 16 de Agosto de 1995, a Resolução n.º 1011, cuja versão inglesa e a respectiva tradução para português seguem em anexo.

Direcção de Serviços das Organizações Políticas Internacionais, 21 de Março de 1997. - O Director de Serviços, João José Gomes Caetano da Silva.


Date: 16 August 1995.

Vote: unanimous.

The Security Council: Recalling all its previous resolutions on the situation in Rwanda, in particular its Resolutions 918 (1994) of 17 May 1994, 997 (1995) of 9 June 1995 and 1005 (1995) of 17 July 1995; Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on monitoring of the restrictions on the sale or supply of arms dated 9 July 1995 (S/1995/552); Having also considered the progress report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) dated 8 August 1995 (S/1995/678); Emphasizing that the uncontrolled circulation of arms, including to civilians and refugees, is a major cause of destabilization in the Great Lakes subregion; Welcoming the proposal of the Government of Zaire to establish an international commission under United Nations auspices to investigate reports of arms supplies to former Rwandan government forces; Recognizing that the registration and marking of weapons are of considerable assistance in monitoring and enforcing restrictions on the illicit deliveries of weapons; Noting with great concern reports of military preparations and increasing incursions into Rwanda by elements of the former regime underlining the need for effective measures to ensure that Rwandan nationals currently in neighbouring countries, including those in camps, do not undertake military activities aimed at destabilizing Rwanda or receive arms supplies, in view of the great likelihood that such arms are intended for use within Rwanda; Stressing the need for representatives of all sectors of Rwandan society, excluding those political leaders suspected of planning and directing the genocide last year, to begin talks in order to reach an agreement on a constitutional and political structure to achieve lasting stability; Taking note of the letter dated 5 July 1995 from the Permanent Representative of Rwanda to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/1995/547), requesting urgent action to lift the restrictions on the sale or supply of arms and matériel to the Government of Rwanda to ensure the security of the Rwandan population; Welcoming the improvement in the working relations between the Government of Rwanda and UNAMIR and recalling the mandate of UNAMIR, as adjusted in Resolution 997 (1995), in particular to help achieve national reconciliation; Recalling that the prohibition on the delivery of arms and matériel to Rwanda was originally aimed at stopping the use of such arms and equipment in the massacres of innocent civilians;Taking note of the Council's decision in Resolution 997 (1995) to reduce the force level of UNAMIR, and reaffirming that the security of that country is the primary responsibility of the Government of Rwanda; Deeply concerned by the situation in Rwanda's prisons and judicial system, particularly overcrowding, the lack of judges, detention of minors and elderly prisoners, and absense of speedy judicial or administrative review of charges, and in this respect, welcoming renewed efforts by the United Nations...

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